Reduce your agency arrears by 50% with automation! We uncover the facts about arrears automation and how it can benefit your agency asap with Workflows.
We understand the role of a property manager is extremely busy! That’s why we've built the technology to help ease your workload.
Arrears is a fundamental workflow that can often be a huge time suck! To help you find new ways to save time and automate repetitive tasks, we're delighted to bring you this webinar that tackles everything arrears from the management process, to what true automation should really look like in a property management software.
We look forward to joining Matt and Courtney to debunk myths about automation when covering:
We'll also highlight how first-time automation users can turn on the Arrears Workflow, providing practical examples on how to get your workflow set up for success, as well as dive in to KPI reporting for arrears management.
Chief Product & Marketing Officer
Head of Marketing